September 17, 2010

Pet Peeves

I have a couple of pet peeves, and these are really the ones at the top of my list that drive me absolutely up the wall.  I would equate these with the horrible sound of nails on a chalkboard.

Double negatives in sentences along with obviously bad grammar.  It really frustrates me when people use double negatives, for example.  "It don't make no difference to me."  Or when people use the "word" ain't.  How does that sound right?  When I had students in class use double negatives - I would correct them - especially in a speech.  But I can't (I guess I could, but it would be rather rude) go around and correct perfect strangers and say, "I'm sorry, but I think you meant to say It DOESN'T make ANY difference to me."

People failing to use their turn signals.  This one gets me everyday.  I've even made many a sarcastic update on Facebook concerning this irritating thing.  I mean, come on people, I can't read your mind, I don't know which way you're turning unless you indicate it.  There these nifty little things called turn signals!  Use them!

Texting/Cell phone use while driving.  Mostly texting - I've almost been sideswiped twice by semi-truck drivers who were too busy texting to pay attention to the road.  And cell phone usage - get an ear piece, it is so much safer.

Bad Coffee - I don't think this one really needs an explanation.  Life is too short for bad coffee.

1 comment:

Jim said...

That should be a bumper sticker. "Life is Too Short for Bad Coffee."