Start Trek: The Next Generation
I was addicted to this show as a young teen (I guess they call them tweens now). My room had posters of Data and Wesley Crusher, I even had a glow in the dark cutout of NCC-1701-D. I went trick or treating as a Star Trek captain one year - and was slightly disappointed that my communicator resembled the original Star Trek and not TNG. And yes, I went to three conventions one I saw Sulu, one I met Gates McFadden, and the last one I had my heart broken when reality met with my little fantasy world - Wil Wheaton was nothing like Wesley Crusher. I was attracted by the adventure and sci-fi, but was drawn in by the characters and the almost idealistic society they came from. It is a good thing I didn't have a holodeck, I would have needed more interventions than Lt. Barkley.
Buffy: The Vampire Slayer
I didn't get into Buffy until my senior year of college when it was almost over. The scripts are clever, the characters are intriguing and the dialogue still makes me crack up.
"Dawn's been kidnapped again."
"It must be Tuesday."
Not to mention two super sexy vampires (yes folks - way before Edward) Angel and Spike to drool over fantastic fight sequences. I'm not ashamed to say that I own the series and have watched it twice, once with commentary and once without.
I do own this series too. And yes it is the complete series in the Books of Shadows and it includes the never aired original pilot. I like this show because of the strong female characters (yes they were scantily clad, but if I had their bodies I would be too), who fought evil and saved the world. I grew up an only child (much more like Buffy or Wesley) so I think that part of the appeal was the thought of having sisters that you not only enjoyed being around but you worked well together too. When Pru was killed off, I remember being concerned if the show could survive - instead it just got better with Paige. I now have three younger step sisters - so like Paige, I went from being an only child to having siblings. But unlike Paige, my step-sisters and I don't fight evil on a daily basis and don't have any kick-ass supernatural powers - that I know of.
The rest, I think speak for themselves.
Yay, for TNG! I just watched a rerun last night where I marveled at Troi's crazy bodysuit and this other lady's really tall hair. Then they yoinked Captain Picard off the Borg cube and blew it up and lived happily ever after... until next week. I have to say in Wil Wheaton's defense that he seems like a totally cool guy who we would have a great time hanging out with. If you haven't read his books you should check them out.
You've watched Buffy twice? I think we're in the middle of our 3rd watch through. :D I know Robyn's got us beat there! Even though many things annoy the hell out of me in that show I still love it. I paraphrase Giles: "Knocked unconscious again? I must be in Sunnydale."
I think Wil Wheaton is a really cool guy, and I would love to hang out with him. But at the time I had the lines of reality and fiction blurred just a bit and was very disappointed that he wasn't like his character. But when I watch the show now, I find the character slightly annoying. Go figure.
And what's up with not talking about Big Bang, HIMYM or Glee?
I figured those speak for themselves, Jim. ;)
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