June 22, 2007

The Saga of Moving

Some day, I hope I can be in management so I can screw people over! Wouldn't that be fun? So latest saga in the moving experience. I go to the manager's office last week only to be informed that my lease was renewed for another year. It turns out they never sent me a renewal notice, but yet I have a lease for a year because it was in my original lease. So I have two options, buy out my lease for the lump some of $1228 or take the chance that someone might want my place and can move in before the end of July so I don't have to pay the buyout price. They sent renewal notices to others, but not me, yet its my fault and I'm stuck with the price.

Well, the moron in charge told me to call him back in a week to see if my place being rented was a possibility. A week was yesterday and I called, he never called back. So I go in there today, and told by the office chippy that, "Well, he's the president of all our properties and usually gets over 100 calls a day, he'll get to you as soon as you can." This guy is a real slime ball, you know kind of a cross between a CEO and a used car salesman. Anyway he looks like the offspring of Allen Kaiser and George Hamilton. I've met this guy a number of times and each time he acts like he's never met me. So now, I wait, yet again for another moron to determine my schedule. I'm going to make such a nuisance of myself that they will be very glad to get rid of me.

To top it off, I'm trying to pack things for the move but don't have any boxes. Kind of makes things difficult.


Margaret said...

That sounds like bullshit to me. You should check the wording of your lease carefully. They shouldn't be able to stick you for a year without you signing something.

-al said...

That's definitely bullshit. there's NO way Allan Kaiser and George Hamilton could produce offspring. Duh...

macaela said...

Well if they could, the offspring would look like this guy! ;)