I just got off the phone with my mother and heard the saga that is my stepsis2's love life once more. Her boyfriend is truly an idiot. Raise your hand if you know better than to drive through standing water. Well the idiot did and it cost a lot of money and once again my dad-by-marriage had to go and help out. This is after the idiot was pulled over in my stepsis's car for speeding. He got arrested because of a probation violation, and he wrote a bunch of bad checks. My first question is "Why would stepsis2 even let him drive her car again?"
This just happened yesterday I guess, so I know my stepsis1, who live in the twin cities doesn't know about it yet, so of course I emailed her. Stepsis3 lives there so I'm sure she's heard, but she's a teenager and probably is to engulfed in driver's ed to give it too much thought. I've met the idiot once, I wasn't impressed but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I would really like to call stepsis2 and say, "Girl, dump the sorry excuse for a person." But, since I don't think she particularly likes me too much, I don't think that would make a huge impact. Maybe stepsis1 can talk some sense into her, then again, when I was stepsis2's age I wouldn't have listened either.
1 comment:
if she is the age she is and still with him with all he has done then she problably will never wise up. either that or she will move on to an even bigger loser.
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