May 20, 2008

The era of the receptionist

You might have noticed that I haven't blogged in about two months. Yikes! Well, I've been doing that hermit crab imitation again. You know, hold up inside your home and pretend nothing else exists. I'm getting pretty good at it too! Since about March 20th or so, I've been temping as a receptionist at a very large commercial real estate agency. I sit at a desk for eight hours, typing, answering stupid questions on the phone, and watching MSNBC. After sitting for eight hours at a desk and listening to moronic subject matter (both the telephone and the television), the last thing I wanted to do was come home and sit at the computer and type.

The most I do on the computer after work is maybe check my email (not regularly), play some mindless game on the computer or race Mario Kart. I did watch many hours of not-so mind numbing television and finish my second knitting project (pictures to come). So, what has brought this hermit crab out of her shell you might ask. My job as a receptionist will come to a close on Friday! While I will miss the friends I've made at work (a very funny and witty group of women and men), I will not miss the tedium of being a temp receptionist. But I cannot completely hate the job. If it wasn't for this time answering phones and the like - I wouldn't have realized that I am so very ready to go back to school in the fall. I'm looking forward to working in my trade again, you kind of forget that you come from a different environment until you make some sort of comment about theatre/academia and you're looked at like your from outer space. (Apparently when discussing the musical The Lion King comments such as "I found that the character Timone's costume a blatant homage to Disney cartoons rather than keeping in the same stylization of the other characters." does not endear non theatre goers to join in on the fun).

I'm ready to go back and finish this damn degree! Even if it means working more temp jobs to do it. Hopefully the next assignment comes very soon and has as many interesting and goofy people who will keep me occupied!

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