If you ask some of my old cronies...I used to be quite the hothead, you know quick to anger, well I've mellowed since those days. However, tonight was the exception. Well, it happened. I finally had a confrontation with the upstairs neighbor, you know Stompy McStomperson. All day we've been hearing stomping and banging...not a problem, they were putting together furniture. But come 10 pm, it was still going on. We called up to ask them to keep it down and were immediately met with a brick wall. So Scott wanted to go upstairs to talk to him in person to get this all cleared up. I went up with him to make sure I didn't need to bail him out of jail later on. So we went upstairs to talk to him.
I had every intention of having a civilized conversation with this man. After all this man is a sort of big wig in this city, I figured he would see reason. HA! Well...lets just say, he wouldn't let us speak and was telling us that it was terrible for us to call the cops on him before and that it was his church group. I pointed out that we didn't know what was going on all we heard was the loud noise. He tells us he's not loud, and we basically exaggerating everything and basically trying to make us feel like the bad guys (well my step-daughter was on crutches and how can you....) When I could squeeze a word in he would interrupt me. The man already had the conversation planned, and in his little mind he's right, everyone else is wrong. Well I finished with pointing out that he wasn't the only person in the building and to please have some consideration for others. (He was quick to mention that we are the only ones that ever complain about his noise and I quickly pointed out that we were the only ones that live below him.) I started to walk away, (Scott is still standing there, slightly surprised that I was the hothead in this situation) and he said something, I don't know what now, but it was the last straw and I ended with the "piece de la resistance." Screw You! Yep, I told him "Screw You!"
Needless to say, not my shining moment and I ended up in hysterical tears by the time we came back downstairs. I haven't felt this angry since a certain evening in 2005 when I was drunk and given some very disgusting news. On that evening I had a lot of alcohol in me, both people who were involved in the situation were at the party and I couldn't leave - that was the closest time I'd ever come to doing physical harm to another human being. Well, tonight those same emotions were there but without the alcohol. It scared me to say the least. What I think triggered it was the fact that conversation wasn't something this man was going to listen to unless it was what he wanted to hear. Also, I know how much this guy pisses off Scott and I don't like seeing the ones I love upset and angry, so that was probably part of the trigger too. I wish I could take back the screw you...sort of, maybe if I could have said it in Latin instead.
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