1.How old were you in 1980?
Just turning one
2. How old were you in 1989?
just turning 10
3. Were you a Toys R' Us kid?
yes - "I don't wanna grow up, I'm a toys r us kid. There's a million toys at toys r us that I can play with. From bikes to trains to video games, its the biggest toy store there is. I don't wanna grow up, because if I did. I wouldn't be a toys r us kid!" I know kind of scary!
4. Did you watch Transformers?of course -
Transformers, robots in disguise!
5. Did you see E.T. on the big screen?
It was my first trip to the movie theatre - I was scared of ET
6. Did you own a Lite Bright?
no, but I wanted one so bad.
7. Who is your Favorite Golden Girl?
Rose of course! I took the Lifetime quiz, "Which Golden Girl are you like?" I'm most like Rose, I would have thought Dorothy. Mom was like Blanche! Ha!
8. When someone says " Who you gonna call? " You think?
9.What was your favorite toy?
tied between He-Man and She-Ra and cabbage patch kids and my little ponies
10. Did you have a Pogo Ball?
Yes! I loved that thing! I wish they'd bring them back, for adults.
11. Did you listen to New Kids on the Block?
I was their biggest fan, just ask Gill.
12. What New Kid did you have a crush on?
13. Did you watch The Care Bears?
Of course - Grumpy Bear was my favorite.
14. Did you have Jelly bracelets?
Who didn't?
15. Did you have a charm bracelet?
Nope never did.
16. Did you own a glo-worm?
Yes, a little one.
17. Did you ever own a slap bracelet?
Yes, mine was also a ruler!
18. The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles?
I'd have to say Sixteen Candles, I didn't see Breakfast Club until I was in High School.
19. Did you have a crazy hair style?
Nope, but I did put it in a side pony tail and I crimped it too!
20. What was your first bike?
The first one was a German brand, then I gut a pink Huffy.
21. Name one thing you still own from your childhood?
Um...I still have most of my stuff from childhood in storage.
22. Did you have a Cabbage Patch Kid?
Yes, 15, I still have them all. I know...
23. Did you dress like Madonna?
I tried.
24. Rainbow Brite or Strawberry Shortcake?
Strawberry Shortcake - rainbow bright was stupid! (quoted my six year old self)
25. Did you watch Miami Vice?
No. I liked Magnum PI!
26. Did you own a pair of Jelly Shoes?
Of course, who didn't?
27. Did you own a Trapper Keeper?
Yes, I finally got rid of the first one a couple of years ago.
28. Atari or Nintendo?
Atari, baby. But Nintendo has a place in my heart as well.
29. Did you play Pac-Man?
Nope, just wasn't my thing.
30.Which was better: Jem and The Holograms or Barbie and The Rockers!?
Jem and The Holograms. I can still remember the song!
31. He-Man or She-Ra?
I loved them both. My cousin thought She-Ra was hot and had her on his birthday cake for his 4th birthday!
32. What movie scared you the most?
ET, still not a fan of that movie.
33. Did you try to dance like Michael Jackson?
Yes, and I used to be pretty good at the Thriller Dance!
34. What Is The First Thing That Comes To Mind When You Hear "FLUX CAPACITOR"?
Back to the Future. McFly!
35. What other colors did Pepsi come in? Which is best?
brown in the 80's - I drank it when I was a kid because of the Michael Jackson commercials.
36. Roger Rabbit Or Howard The Duck?
Both, probably Roger Rabbit more.
37. Did you ever beg your parents to have your school picture taken with the 'LASER' background?
OMG, yes!
38. Do you know what the Ninja Rap is?
Can we say Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles anyone?
39. Do you know why people cringe when they hear the word BUCKNER?
Nope, don't remember that one?
40. Can you name the family members from any of the National Lampoon's Vacation movies?Clark, Ellen, Audrey & Rusty Griswald
41. What was your favorite 80's movie?Oh, there are so many.
Probably between Clue and Vacation.
42. Wally World or European vacations?
Wally World, it's the original. Right Michelle!
January 28, 2008
January 26, 2008
Stupidity, Frustration and Sadness
It never ceases to amaze me the dumb things that people do. I'm not sure what is worse that they have no clue that he or she is doing something stupid, or that he or she knows and does it anyway. For example why send someone a coupon for stamps that expired in 1994 and expect to receive a reply? Or assume that a pdf file refers to storing things on a 3.5 floppy? And it doesn't matter how detailed one gets in writing instructions, people still won't read them. I have to be fairly cryptic, but if you want the real details you know where to find me.
I've been feeling sorry for myself, yet again, because of the stupid job situation. Didn't get the dream job, my current temp job ended and I haven't found any announcements for assistantships for next year. I want to finish school, but I'm not sure how that is going to happen. Costs a lot of money for grad school. Ideally, if I can find an assistantship, that would handle the last class and my portfolio defense and my prospectus creation and defense. But I can't get one with my department because I'm entering my fourth year and I'm not finished with my portfolio. So the only options are outside the department, but nothing has panned out yet. I keep telling myself it is early, but...I'm worried. If I can get a full time job I'd be able to get loans to finish school, that would work, it wouldn't be great and I'd never get to see Scott in between class, work and study, but I'd finish somehow. I'm so very tired of being in limbo and wondering where my next paycheck will come from and if I'll ever get to finish with school and get on with my life. I know that taking the year off was the right thing to do--the only thing to do--but part of me is really angry at myself for not sucking it up and going on. Part of me still feels like a loser for taking a year off.
I know we all have to grow up and move on, duh, that's what happens with life, but there are some things that just suck about being an adult. I miss the college days at times, and I think those of us who were part of the Bitch Barn family and extended family wish we could all be together at the barn for a Saturday night of video games, drinking, laughing, talking, and maybe some orange-juice-can-shot-putting. It wouldn't make reality go away, but for a couple of hours we could all be together and laughing. I know it would help me a lot but I know of one person in particular it would help even more. I wish computers could give hugs.
I've been feeling sorry for myself, yet again, because of the stupid job situation. Didn't get the dream job, my current temp job ended and I haven't found any announcements for assistantships for next year. I want to finish school, but I'm not sure how that is going to happen. Costs a lot of money for grad school. Ideally, if I can find an assistantship, that would handle the last class and my portfolio defense and my prospectus creation and defense. But I can't get one with my department because I'm entering my fourth year and I'm not finished with my portfolio. So the only options are outside the department, but nothing has panned out yet. I keep telling myself it is early, but...I'm worried. If I can get a full time job I'd be able to get loans to finish school, that would work, it wouldn't be great and I'd never get to see Scott in between class, work and study, but I'd finish somehow. I'm so very tired of being in limbo and wondering where my next paycheck will come from and if I'll ever get to finish with school and get on with my life. I know that taking the year off was the right thing to do--the only thing to do--but part of me is really angry at myself for not sucking it up and going on. Part of me still feels like a loser for taking a year off.
I know we all have to grow up and move on, duh, that's what happens with life, but there are some things that just suck about being an adult. I miss the college days at times, and I think those of us who were part of the Bitch Barn family and extended family wish we could all be together at the barn for a Saturday night of video games, drinking, laughing, talking, and maybe some orange-juice-can-shot-putting. It wouldn't make reality go away, but for a couple of hours we could all be together and laughing. I know it would help me a lot but I know of one person in particular it would help even more. I wish computers could give hugs.
January 13, 2008
I get it now.

I've seen Office Space a number of times now, and I've tuned into The Office on occasion. I enjoyed them and found them funny but I didn't find myself saying, "That is so my life at work!" Well, that has changed. I've been temping at giant pharmaceutical company for the past two weeks doing data entry. (Yawn) I understand it now. I appreciate that movie and TV show sooooooo much more now.
Most of the people I work with are great...but there are the few...I want to cry and scream at their stupidity and inane reasoning, but, really would it do any good? Wow, I wish I could get paid and get medical benefits for sitting around on my ass all day and gossiping with the girls about everything and anything under the sun. Friday I listened to them wax poetic about Britney Spears and how much so and so is spending on her wedding. Thursday it was something really abominable misconception about theatre (had to block it out) and how much so and so spent on her wedding. Wednesday it was about baby stuff and kids and how to raise them (yes because 20 year old mothers know soooooooooo much!) and how much so and so spent on her wedding. See a theme here.
I know it is a horrible thing to say, but it has done wonders for my intellectual ego. I don't feel nearly as stupid as I did when I decided to take a break from school. I can hang out and do this stuff for a couple more months, but....DAMN, I can't wait to go back to grad school! I get it! I totally understand why Milton wanted to keep his red stapler!
January 5, 2008
Cute, but dangerous.
On my birthday, I got up with Scott and watched the news. The tiger attack at the San Francisco Zoo was the top story. My initial thought when I saw the story was, "Ok, who teased the tiger?"
Think about it, you're a tiger you have a comfortable enclosure where you can be outside or inside depending on your mood. You have food and water given to you - no need to hunt, your every whim is catered to. Why attack a couple of teenagers for no reason? Animals aren't like humans, they don't attack just to be malicious. At first the media was blaming the zoo, the wall of the enclosure is 4 1/2 feet shorter than the recommended height. Why didn't the tigers get out before then?
The two survivors aren't being forthcoming with answers either, their lawyer says they didn't taunt the tigers. Yet a witness saw them taunting the lions before the tiger attack. Hmmm. They don't taunt tigers, but they taunt lions. Feline discrimination or lying morons?
Two years ago, Scott and I went to the Lights before Christmas at the Toledo Zoo. We stopped by the tiger enclosure as we were leaving. The tiger enclosure wasn't lit up, so some really stupid morons decided to shine the flashlight into the enclosure to find the tigers. They were curled up at the back in one big pile of tigers, sleeping, minding their own business. The people kept the lights on them and called, "Here kitty, kitty kitty." and "Hey wake up back there." I immediately jumped on them and told them that it was really stupid to taunt the tigers, and tried to appeal to them. They looked at me like I was from outer space. Apparently the zoos are there for human amusement only not as a preservation of wildlife but rather an entertainment venue for Ma and Pa Trailertrash and their 14 brats. I wonder know if Mr. and Mrs. Trailertrash think about that night and count their lucky stars. (Tigers enclosure at the Toledo Zoo is an enclosure complete with chain link fence, reinforced glass viewing area and wire netting)
Tiger bathing at the Toledo Zoo - very house cat-like, but look at the size of that tongue!
It reminds me of those little brats at the polar bear exhibit. They were talking about going in there and shooting the baby polar bears. Sure they look cute and cuddly but I was immediately reminded of the strength of the animals when the baby polar bear tried to chew on me through the glass. Still, at the time I wouldn't have minded throwing the brats to the bears - teach the parents and the kids to show some respect for such powerful animals.
Look at the size of those paws - probably wouldn't have minded a bratty kid as a mid-morning snack.
Yes, zoos are wonderful, but they are the places where animals live. Treat them with respect. How would you like someone shining a light in your bedroom window when you were trying to sleep? Or how about some drunken teenagers creating taunting you and breaking into your home? Yeah, I'd bite too!
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