At 9:30 I'm awakened by a very off-key rendition of "Happy Birthday." Apparently I can answer my cell phone in my sleep now! It was my Dad, Aunt, Uncles and Mother by Marriage, calling to wish me a "happy birthday." I thanked them for the presents. I have come to the conclusion that one is officially getting old when the previously funny birthday cards are replaced with the thoughtful tear-jerkers. Apparently parents get nostalgic when their only/youngest child is creeping closer to the age of 30. At 9:45 my good buddy Melissa calls to wish me a happy day and we talk for a good long time-a good long time for us is about 7 to 10 minutes-she has two small kids and I have...well...stuff. So after gabbing with her I figure, I'll drag myself out of bed. No sooner than I had started to make coffee, my mother calls. Along with the "happy birthday," I also get the yearly reminder of the day of my birth. "I'll tell you what, I sure feel a lot better today than I did (fill in my age) years ago at this time." She continues to tell me of the details of my birth like what I weighed, what I looked like, how my father didn't believe she was in labor but was quite happy I was born a week early because I was a tax break - you know the usual mother stuff.
While drinking my coffee I start to watch, Dr. Phil. I know, it is sad but I really don't like to miss the show if I can help it. And besides, its my birthday, I can do what I want. And then my grandmother calls - which completely surprises me because she usually forgets I exist. It is not intentional mind you, but I'm the only grand kid that doesn't live within a 30 mile radius of my mother's birthplace. Of course it was a "happy birthday" with a side of guilt, because it has been almost two years since I've seen my family in Minnesota. Maybe next year - but I'll be damned if I'm celebrating Christmas on my birthday (but that is another blog entirely.)
By noon I headed to the mall to see National Treasures: The Book of Secrets. Good movie, if you're a history and legend buff, which I am. I thoroughly enjoyed myself - I splurged and decided to see the movie in the Director's Hall, where they have leather-like stadium seating, assigned seats that you choose and someone who escorts you to your seat. I'm living the big life now! (That was sarcasm in case you missed it.)
I hit the mall of course, the one good thing about having a birthday on December 26th, you will always find a sale! Shopping on my birthday has never been a bad experience. At precisely 3:27 pm (eastern time) I rang in the beginning of my 28th year with a chocolate covered strawberry from Godiva and a medium cafe mocha.
I was afraid this year was going to be a bad birthday because I was spending a majority of the day by myself. I had never done this on my birthday before, and frankly, I was dreading it. But it was a great day, I didn't have to worry about pleasing anyone but myself! And I still got to have dinner out with Scott and spend time talking at a dinner table rather than on a couch in front of a television set. And I think one of my happiest moments is that for the first time in 20 years, I didn't binge on my birthday.

Here enjoy a piece of virtual birthday cake. Mmmm, tiramisu!
happy birthday late, mac. i'm glad you had a good time at the mall and the movies and at dinner and stuff. you're certainly braver than me, going out to the mall on the 26th!
It was great to talk to you yesterday. I like talking to you every week. We need to continue this trend.
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