November 12, 2007

I want a!

Ok, so I'm having a crappy day and all I want to do is eat an entire pizza on my own. I'm not going to, because that would require leaving the condo, which would require me to brush my hair and look less scary, so no, not happening.

I'm trying to stay positive, but I hate looking for a job. I've been at it for two weeks now. You'd think the temp agency I'm signed up with could find me something. I've applied at more retail stores today than I care to think about. I've answered the same question twenty times! Whoever said that it is easy to find a job once you've had an education should be dragged through the streets by wild horses or NYC cab drivers, whichever is available.

And this is just the Internet side, tomorrow I get to go out and about and find the places that only want you to apply in person. Oh goody, I get to wear heels then tomorrow. I draw the line at pantyhose! Where's that damn pizza!!!!

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