July 12, 2007

Finally moved in, now to get on with life.

I have finally finished moving into my honey's place. Now "our" place, but that will take some getting used to on both our parts. Ares is testing his boundaries every step of the way. Just when I think he might have kicked using the furniture as a scratching post, he goes and does it on another piece of furniture that hasn't been covered with the sticky pads or no scratch spray. Today he has been in his carrier for a total of three times. From 5 to 7, then again from 8:30 to 9 and 9:30 to 10. He is now sound asleep. Just like with any animal, he'll adjust. If he doesn't then I guess Ares and I will move again. (Like I'd ever get rid of my cat!) :) But I don't think there will be any need to worry. The boys and I will just have to learn a new routine and figure out each others' boundaries. I know for sure that if Ares is in his carrier too much, it will have the adverse effect and instead of behaving he'll act up even more.

My job starts tonight. I was called this morning by my boss saying she needs help setting things up. So for the next two days I'll be setting up a kitchen. There's a good chance I'll be kitchen manager by the end of August. I have a chef's coat and everything. I'm looking forward to the change of pace.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is on our list Saturday. Only we're going to see it at the IMAX up in Detroit. The last scene is in 3-D. Not too much longer and the seventh book comes out! I'm going to try to improve my knitting so that I can get the Harry Potter knit book and make my stepsister a House scarf for Christmas. I think she's a Ravenclaw if I'm not mistaken. Someday I'll tackle Dobby's socks, but that might still be a long way off. Oh, dear...if I start talking about the different stitches in knitting somebody smack me!


Robyn said...

come to the dark side, macaela- knitting is goooood.... knit stitch, purl stitch, merino wool.... if you get stuck, ask me for help, and if I can't, I can point you to good online help.

macaela said...

I'm pretty tempted, after checking out that Buffy knit blog you have on your site, I'm kind of hooked. I have the Stich n Bitch book and I am going through the patterns one by one. I'm almost finished with the first scarf. I think I might be able to handle a house scarf after that. Don't worry, you'll be the first one I go to for help. Mom's tried to explain it but it doesn't make sense when she does.