June 30, 2007


Thus endith day seven of THE MOVE. Temperature was running cool today as was everyone's tempers. Exhaustion has set in along with slap-happiness. Explains the incomplete sentences. Day eight will bring the rusty moving van. Transmission could go at any minute. Windows don't work. Whole truck shakes when stopped at a stop sign. Hope the old boy gets us through the move before he dies. Might have to put it out of its misery. Uhaul would be none to pleased with me. Beer and pizza lie in wait for our noon break tomorrow. Five of us moving stuff, should go fairly quickly. Day nine will bring cleaning of the old place (ICK) and more trips to Goodwill. Looking forward to the beer. Mom brought Ares fresh catnip. He will be happy no matter where he is with that stuff. Mmmm, beer.

June 25, 2007

Ares' new sport

Ares' new sport is cat dish water polo. Lovely mess, isn't it?

I admit it, I'm a pack rat

This is a picture of the paperwork that has been gathering on my desktop, coffee table, end table and pretty much anywhere else with a flat surface. I'm cleaning out my office today getting ready for the move. I have come to the realization that I inherited a bit of the "pack rat syndrome" from my Grandmother. Just looking around the office, I have noticed that I have nine 14 gallon tubs going into storage full of books, six file boxes of files, another four file boxes of knickknacks and keepsakes, three tubs of Christmas decorations...you get the picture.

It is going to be a long day, that is for sure. Now that I've cleaned all this stuff out, I need to go through and decide what few things go with to Scot's, what goes into my storage unit, what goes into the garbage. Right now, I feel like crawling under the desk and pretending it doesn't exist (otherwise known as the "if I ignore it, it will go away" disorder that I inherited from my other grandmother). But that won't get things done either. I'm sure Scot will read this and say, "I told you so, you're a pack rat." Well :P !

June 22, 2007

The Saga of Moving

Some day, I hope I can be in management so I can screw people over! Wouldn't that be fun? So latest saga in the moving experience. I go to the manager's office last week only to be informed that my lease was renewed for another year. It turns out they never sent me a renewal notice, but yet I have a lease for a year because it was in my original lease. So I have two options, buy out my lease for the lump some of $1228 or take the chance that someone might want my place and can move in before the end of July so I don't have to pay the buyout price. They sent renewal notices to others, but not me, yet its my fault and I'm stuck with the price.

Well, the moron in charge told me to call him back in a week to see if my place being rented was a possibility. A week was yesterday and I called, he never called back. So I go in there today, and told by the office chippy that, "Well, he's the president of all our properties and usually gets over 100 calls a day, he'll get to you as soon as you can." This guy is a real slime ball, you know kind of a cross between a CEO and a used car salesman. Anyway he looks like the offspring of Allen Kaiser and George Hamilton. I've met this guy a number of times and each time he acts like he's never met me. So now, I wait, yet again for another moron to determine my schedule. I'm going to make such a nuisance of myself that they will be very glad to get rid of me.

To top it off, I'm trying to pack things for the move but don't have any boxes. Kind of makes things difficult.

June 12, 2007

Stupidity, it is a frightening epidemic.

I just got off the phone with my mother and heard the saga that is my stepsis2's love life once more. Her boyfriend is truly an idiot. Raise your hand if you know better than to drive through standing water. Well the idiot did and it cost a lot of money and once again my dad-by-marriage had to go and help out. This is after the idiot was pulled over in my stepsis's car for speeding. He got arrested because of a probation violation, and he wrote a bunch of bad checks. My first question is "Why would stepsis2 even let him drive her car again?"

This just happened yesterday I guess, so I know my stepsis1, who live in the twin cities doesn't know about it yet, so of course I emailed her. Stepsis3 lives there so I'm sure she's heard, but she's a teenager and probably is to engulfed in driver's ed to give it too much thought. I've met the idiot once, I wasn't impressed but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I would really like to call stepsis2 and say, "Girl, dump the sorry excuse for a person." But, since I don't think she particularly likes me too much, I don't think that would make a huge impact. Maybe stepsis1 can talk some sense into her, then again, when I was stepsis2's age I wouldn't have listened either.

June 10, 2007

Grilling with the honey and family

Today we grilled out over at Scot's dad's place. W has a nice gas grill that has hardly been used, so we are making use of it this summer. We're glad because W has also gotten out of the house more and used it himself. So anyway...today we grilled brats (not the small children, but the German sausage) and corn on the cob.

Altogether a very enjoyable meal. We have now decided that grilling corn on the cob in the husk is the way to go. Ok, so the first time Scot and I tried it...it was a disaster, we didn't know that you had to soak the corn in water first. You know, its that whole steaming thing and such...water is kind of important for that. The dog, Sophie, especially enjoyed chewing on the corn cobs when we were finished. I'm not sure who enjoys the cookouts more, me, Scot, W or Sophie. But today we learned that Sophie has acquired a taste for sauerkraut. I can honestly say I saw a dog eat sauerkraut...bet that's something you didn't think I'd say.

We stuck around a while longer and did some cleaning in the garage, you can almost walk in there now...alas those blasted golf balls are still there...someday, mark my words, someday they will be gone. A non-golfer owning over 2000 golf balls that are over 20 years old is a little, well, weird. But then again, who am I to talk, it wasn't until last year that I finally got around to throwing away all my notes from high school! W has graciously allowed me to store some of my things in his basement. With Scot and I moving in together, we must combine two households into one. What stays, what goes, what goes into storage, we both are facing those questions and I'm facing a lot of cleaning. Yeah...I'm thrilled...can't you tell?

June 9, 2007

See I told you I'd start blogging again!

Well bitchbarn cast, Scot showed me how to edit my blog stuff, so I won't be bugging you all with computer questions for the time being! I found a job for the time being. I'll be working at Super Suppers starting the end of June. Yeah! A paycheck! Also, Scot and I are moving in together, it should be fun.

I saw the videos of myself on Robyn's blog! AHHHHHHHH! How scary was that. Scot got a good laugh out of it though.