January 2, 2011

There is a reason for this melancholy

I didn't wake up until 11 this morning - very unusual for me, really thought I was going to avoid the January blues.  Apparently not.  Yesterday I managed to finish updating my timeline on my prospectus as well as add the section about Merleau-Ponty - so now it is a matter of tackling the chapter summaries.  I can do it.  My goal was to finish them today, but it ain't going to happen, which I feel bad about - which doesn't really do any good either.  Just a reminder to myself how far I am from where I want to be.  I'm superwoman, I should be so much farther than I am in life, right?  Like I said, January slump.  It is January 2nd, eleven years ago today my family changed - and yes in the long run it did change for the better - but it has taken me a long time to get to that.  And that doesn't mean I still don't think of it - especially today, I just wonder if I'm the only one who does.

So, how do I know it is the January blues and not just something else.   Well, like I said all I want to do is sleep and watch old movies.  I slept until 11 today and the first thing I turned on was Fools Rush In.  I'm very afraid that Titanic is in my near future, considering yesterday I watched The Cutting Edge.  Yep, January blues.  Also, I still have the Christmas tree up and the thought of taking it down makes me sick.  I did the dishes rather than take down the Christmas tree - and for those of you who know how much I HATE doing dishes.  I think I'll tackle the cat box next - yep anything to avoid taking down the tree.  Don't even want to knit.  And I'm still in my pajamas at almost three in the afternoon.  Not because I don't have things to do - but because even thinking of getting dressed just makes me tired.  But I will prep some more for my interview, and work on the chapter summaries.  I'm not going to completely give into the January blues - just acknowledge them and keep going.  Scott and I are going to see Harry Potter tonight - wow, almost like a date or something.

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